
Palmistry-Fingers and Major Lines

Several shapes of fingers are recognized, each revealing a particular type of individual.The set of the fingers in relation to the hand, the closeness of the fingers, and the relative lengths of the different fingers and joints all have their various meanings.

Your four fingers starting with the first or index finger, are called: Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo and Mercury.

Your first finger- Jupiter, is the finger of career, drive and ambition.
Your Second finger-Saturn, is the finger of your emotions.
The third finger-Apollo, is your finger of judgment.
Your fourth finger Mercury-is your finger of communication.

The thumb has wide range of shapes. A long thumb suggests powers of leadership, with a long thumbtip indicating great willpower, but also stubborness.A large thumb denotes a capable, strong-minded, energetic type, and a small thumb suggests one lacking willpower and energy. A flexible thumb denotes tolerance and extravagance, while a stiff one indicates reserve, caution, even stubbornness.The thumb's thickness, positioning and the nature and relative lengths of the joints have additional meanings, especially when these factors are taken in combination with all the other features of the hand.

The palm and your own hands usually show a large variety of lines and areas. Although they are often difficult to identify, concentrate on finding the three clearest lines first.They are the Heart Line, the Head Line and the Life Line.
The Heart Line is the line controlling temperament and emotional health. Its shape and strength are taken as signs for your capacity for love, and how you control your emotions.

Your Heart Line can start on or just below the Mount of Jupiter at the base of  the index finger From here it may drop down a little before running straight across the hand to the outer edge of your palm. A long, clearly marked  line signifies a very open, warm hearted person. Where the Heart Line is more strongly marked than the Head Line, the Heart Line can rule the head, if the headline is stronger, then your head tends to rule your heart. This type of heartline is known as an emotional heartline.

If the Heart Line comes across the palm and stops below the Mounts of Jupiter and Saturn, under or between the first and second fingers, this is known as a Humanitarian heartline, and shows a degree of emotional reserve when getting to know others. It can also be a sign of emotional complexity in relationships.

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